System messages
From OSCR Wiki
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace.
Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
word-separator (talk) (Translate) | |
wrongpassword (talk) (Translate) | Incorrect username or password entered. Please try again. |
wrongpasswordempty (talk) (Translate) | Password entered was blank. Please try again. |
wsoauth-already-logged-in-through-remote (talk) (Translate) | You are already logged in through a remote or migrated account. You cannot connect a remote account to this account. If you want to log in using another remote, please log out and log in using the other account. |
wsoauth-auth-providers-desc (talk) (Translate) | An array containing a list of custom OAuth providers together with their class name. |
wsoauth-authentication-failure (talk) (Translate) | Authentication failed (are you authorised for this wiki?). |
wsoauth-auto-populate-groups-desc (talk) (Translate) | An array containing a list of MediaWiki group names that must be automatically assigned to the user after they are authenticated. |
wsoauth-could-not-create-mapping (talk) (Translate) | Could not create mapping. |
wsoauth-desc (talk) (Translate) | Extends the PluggableAuth extension to provide authentication using OAuth. |
wsoauth-disallow-remote-only-accounts-desc (talk) (Translate) | Whether or not to allow accounts to not have a local counterpart (used only if <code>disallowRemoteOnlyAccounts</code> is not set for the specific authentication provider). |
wsoauth-extensionname (talk) (Translate) | WSOAuth |
wsoauth-initiate-login-failure (talk) (Translate) | Unable to initiate communication with OAuth provider. |
wsoauth-invalid-auth-provider-class-exception-message (talk) (Translate) | The OAuth provider class does not implement AuthProvider |
wsoauth-invalid-username (talk) (Translate) | Username provided by the OAuth provider is not valid. |
wsoauth-login-button-label-facebook (talk) (Translate) | Login with Facebook |
wsoauth-login-button-label-wikimedia (talk) (Translate) | Login with Wikimedia |
wsoauth-login-button-label-wikipedia (talk) (Translate) | Login with Wikipedia |
wsoauth-manage-remotes (talk) (Translate) | Manage remote accounts |
wsoauth-migrate-users-by-username-desc (talk) (Translate) | Whether or not to allow usurpation of existing accounts by username (used only if <code>migrateUsersByUsername</code> is not set for the specific authentication provider). |
wsoauth-missing-client-id (talk) (Translate) | No client ID is configured. |
wsoauth-missing-client-secret (talk) (Translate) | No client secret is configured. |
wsoauth-missing-uri (talk) (Translate) | No remote URI is configured. |
wsoauth-not-configured-message (talk) (Translate) | Remote login has not been configured for this wiki. Please try a different authentication method. |
wsoauth-prefs-manage-remote (talk) (Translate) | Remote accounts: |
wsoauth-remote-only-accounts-disabled (talk) (Translate) | Remote-only login has been disabled on this wiki. A remote account must be connected to a local account. |
wsoauth-special-page-content (talk) (Translate) | You can connect a remote account to this account by logging in to the remote from [[Special:UserLogin]] while being logged in. In the future, it will be possible to manage your remote accounts from this special page. |
wsoauth-unknown-auth-provider-class-exception-message (talk) (Translate) | OAuth provider class not loaded or not found |
wsoauth-unknown-auth-provider-exception-message (talk) (Translate) | Unknown OAuth provider ($1) |
wsoauth-use-real-name-as-username-desc (talk) (Translate) | Whether to use the real name as the username (used only if <code>useRealNameAsUsername</code> is not set for the specific authentication provider). |
xffblockreason (talk) (Translate) | An IP address present in the X-Forwarded-For header, either yours or that of a proxy server you are using, has been blocked. The original block reason was: $1 |
xml-error-string (talk) (Translate) | $1 at line $2, col $3 (byte $4): $5 |
year (talk) (Translate) | From year (and earlier): |
years (talk) (Translate) | {{PLURAL:$1|$1 year|$1 years}} |
yesterday-at (talk) (Translate) | Yesterday at $1 |
yourdiff (talk) (Translate) | Differences |
yourdomainname (talk) (Translate) | Your domain: |
youremail (talk) (Translate) | Email: |
yourgender (talk) (Translate) | How do you prefer to be described? |
yourlanguage (talk) (Translate) | Language: |
yourname (talk) (Translate) | Username: |
yournick (talk) (Translate) | New signature: |
yourpassword (talk) (Translate) | Password: |
yourpasswordagain (talk) (Translate) | Retype password: |
yourrealname (talk) (Translate) | Real name: |
yourtext (talk) (Translate) | Your text |
yourvariant (talk) (Translate) | Content language variant: |
zip-bad (talk) (Translate) | The file is a corrupt or otherwise unreadable ZIP file. It cannot be properly checked for security. |
zip-file-open-error (talk) (Translate) | An error was encountered when opening the file for ZIP checks. |
zip-unsupported (talk) (Translate) | The file is a ZIP file that uses ZIP features not supported by MediaWiki. It cannot be properly checked for security. |
zip-wrong-format (talk) (Translate) | The specified file was not a ZIP file. |